Monday, November 26, 2012

EPA Watershed News November

You can subscribe to the EPA's Watershed News, a monthly electronic newsletter with all kinds of watershed-related news.  Here's a link to the November newsletter, and instructions on how to subscribe can be found at the very bottom

Here is the Table of Contents:

In this month's newsletter:

  1. Community-based Restoration Program funded by NOAA and American Rivers
  2. National Service Agency Announces AmeriCorps Funding Opportunities
  3. Nonpoint Source Grant Guidelines Available for Comment 
  4. Des Moines Register releases collection of articles on Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
  5. Register for Webinar on "How’s My Waterway? and Other Water Quality Apps"
  6. Updated Data Now Available in EPA’s Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Access Tool (NPDAT)
  7. New Nutrient Video Posted on YouTube
  8. "Don’t Let Trash Ruin Your Scene"
  9. Watershed Spotlight:  Friends of the Los Angeles River

Webcast for "How's my Watershed tool".

We used the  EPA "How's my Waterway" tool, where you can search local water bodies and learn about their water quality.  This Wednesday there is a free webcast to learn more about this ap, and others related to water quality.  Here is the link to register  You can also search and download past webcasts, and subscribe to the podcast.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov. 19 Class Cancelled

Sorry folks, my doctor tells me I will likely be spending most of tomorrow in the hospital due to what she believes are complications from a previous GI problem.  I had a low fever from when I woke up Tuesday morning straight through Saturday, interrupted only with ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

I will have a phone and iPad with me and should be able to monitor email.

See you on the 26th.   

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

VWMC Announcements

Opportunities communicated by the Virginia Water Monitoring Council (VWMC) this afternoon. 
1.) Job Opportunity: Environmental Planner, Stream Restoration Design Specialist – Stafford, VA -- Williamsburg Environmental Group, Inc. (WEG) is accepting resumes for an Environmental Planner / Stream Restoration Design Specialist (B.S. minimum) to work with a team of design professionals in a progressive company with offices located in Williamsburg, Richmond, and Fredericksburg, VA. Position advertised is currently available in the Stafford, VA office. Activities and skills will include stream assessment, restoration processes, channel design, sediment transport mechanics, and hydrology. To apply, view the instructions at the bottom of this website: For more information, contact Kelli Ancarrow at or 757-220-6869. WEG is an equal opportunity employer.
2.) Homeowner Rain Garden Workshop – November 17, 2012 (9:30am-12:30pm)  – Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S. Stafford St. Arlington, VA -- Learn how to properly locate, design, construct and maintain a small-scale rain garden -- a landscaped area that is designed to capture rain water and allow it to soak into the ground. Call 703-228-3610 or email to register. For more information, visit This workshop is co-sponsored by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, Arlington County, and the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, with partial funding provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program and NOAA.
3.) Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities in Water Resources Research and Education – November 19, 2012 (4pm) (Rescheduled because of Hurricane Sandy) – Alumni Hall Auditorium, The Inn at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA – George M. Hornberger, distinguished Vanderbilt University professor and Director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and the Environment, will be speaking about the need for disciplinary depth and intellectual breadth to bridge disciplines and the ability to communicate science to policy makers effectively, and the associated challenges with water resources research and education to achieve the goal of effective “translational hydrologic science.” The event will be followed by a reception. The flyer for the event can be accessed here: Co-sponsored by the College of Natural Resources and Environment and Virginia Water Resources Research Center. For more information, contact Stephen Schoenholtz, Director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, at stephen.schoenholtz@vt.eduor 540-231-0711.
4.) Movie Screening: Ocean Frontiers – November 19, 2012 (3:30pm & 6:30pm)  – Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), McHugh Auditorium, Gloucester Point, VA – “Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship” documents issues affecting seaports and watersheds across the country, including their various stakeholders and interests, discussing both problems and solutions facing ocean and estuary management. The film is one hour.  Two showings will be offered. Sponsored by the Center for Coastal Resources Management, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission and VIMS. To learn more about the movie, visit: To register for the 3:30pm showing, visit To register for the 6:30pm showing, visit:
5.) Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Stormwater Training Sessions – November 27 – December 19, 2012 (9am – 4:30pm) – Various VA locations -- Attendees will learn the basics of stormwater management, the history of stormwater regulations in VA, design and implementation tools for managing stormwater on developed sites, tips for implementing the regulations and overseeing regulated land disturbing activities, and the future of VA's Stormwater Management program.  This training will be worth 6 hours of continuing education credits.  Attendees will receive class materials on a CD-rom and will be awarded Certificates of Attendance. Registration is free. For more information and to register, visit: -- Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Facility, Fisherville – November 27, 2012
-- Warren County Government Center – Front Royal, VA – November 28, 2012
-- Loudoun County Government Center – Leesburg, VA – December 13, 2012
-- Hungry Mother State Park – Marion, VA – December 17, 2012
-- VA Institute of Marine Science – Gloucester Point, VA – December 19, 2012 (Rescheduled because of Hurricane Sandy)
6.) Upcoming TMDL Public Meetings in Virginia – For more information, contact Nesha McRae at or 540-332-9238.
– November 27, 2012 (7pm) -- Linville Creek Watershed (Rockingham County  – Linville Edom Ruritan Hall, 3752 Linville Edom Road, Linville, VA 22834 --
– December 5, 2012 (6pm) -- Spout Run, Page Brook, & Roseville Run Watersheds (Clarke County & Towns of Millwood and Boyce)– Powhatan School, 49 Powhatan Lane, Boyce, VA 22620 -
7.) Virginia Invasive Plant Symposium – November 29, 2012 (8:30am-4pm) – Middleburg Community Center, Middleburg VA – The Piedmont Environmental Council will be hosting a day-long symposium on invasive plants in Virginia. Presentations will range from scientific to land management topics. Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home, is the keynote speaker. To register and for more information, visit For more information contact James Barnes or 540-347-2334.
8.) RETScreen Workshops – November 29 – December 6, 2012 (8:30am – 5:30pm) – Various locations -- RETs are Renewable-energy and Energy-efficient technologies, including biogas, woody biomass, solar, energy efficiency retrofits, etc. RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis software is a free Excel-based decision-support package used to determine the feasibility of RETs. The Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Bioenergy Engineering Education Program is holding six free introductory training workshops on this software (bring a laptop). Space is limited. This workshop series is made possible by support from the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (VA-DMME). For more information about RETScreen, visit: or contact Katherine Ready at 757-498-0100 ext 154. To register, see the links below.
-- Hampton – November 29, 2012 -
-- Richmond – November 30, 2012 -
-- Alexandria – December 3, 2012 -
-- Weyers Cave – December 4, 2012 -
-- Roanoke – December 5, 2012 -
-- Danville – December 6, 2012 -
9.) Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference – December 6, 2012 (7:30am – 4:30pm) – Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, MD -- Theme: “What Else is in your Water? From Arsenic to Zinc.” The conference will address water quality issues beyond more conventional pollutants such as nutrients and sediments. Session topics will include Mercury, Road Salt, Headwater Streams, Bacteria, Protecting Healthy Watersheds, Marcellus Shale, Harmful Algal Blooms, Environmental Information, Land Use Change, Groundwater, Fish Diseases, and Volunteer Monitoring. For more information, to view the agenda, and to register, visit: or contact Dan Boward at or 410-260-8605.
10.) Grant: NOAA Community-Based Restoration Program River Grants –Applications due: December 7, 2012; Decision: March 2013 -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Community-based Restoration Program (CRP) provides financial and technical assistance for river restoration projects benefiting diadromous fish species, particularly stream barrier removal projects. The maximum award request is $150,000. For more information, visit:
11.) AWRA Policy Committee Publication: "Case Studies in Integrated Water Resources Management: From Local Stewardship to National Vision" – The American Water Resources Association (AWRA) document showcases state, multi-state, and regional efforts to implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), and highlights the effectiveness of various strategies. To view the publication, visit:
12.) USGS Report: Changes in Water Budgets and Sediment Yields from a Hypothetical Agricultural Field as a Function of Landscape and Management Characteristics—A Unit Field Modeling Approach – The USGS developed the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) to simulate slope, soil texture and agricultural management practices to evaluate their effects on water budgets and sediment yield. Sixty-eight 60-year simulations were run, and the analysis is available in this report. To view the abstract and full report, visit:

Tree Stewards - Invasive Removal in Arlington

Over the last ten years I'm guessing I've cleared more than 10 acres of invasive plants and planted more than 4000 trees in their place.  It's one of the most satisfying things for me, maybe because it's so different from sitting in front of multiple screens all day.  I regularly find myself thinking out loud while I do it (hopefully not in range of anyone's video camera!), suggesting that it's one of those "centering" exercises where we get to put lots of things in perspective or rehearse challenging situations.  

I can't be there but I'm sharing this so you all can meet like-minded folks, get a little hands-on training, maybe just get a few photos for your Facebook page, or maybe take some friends or sig. others outside on what will apparently be a VERY nice day (low 50's and cloud-free).



Join us as we continue the Barcroft Park Habitat Restoration Work Parties on Saturday morning November 17 at 9:30 am.  We will continue to cut Ivy from trees as we did on beautiful fall days in September and October.  Just last week, IPC (Invasive Plant Control, the County contractor) completed its fall treatment of Ivy, Vinca, and Wintercreeper on the ground, while leaving the Ivy on trees for volunteers like us.  In taking this role, we are saving the County thousands of $$$, thereby extending IPC's technical work on a fixed budget to other County parks.  The great progress that the County, IPC and we volunteers have made removing and treating invasive plants and trees throughout the park is evident and spectacular.

See Jim Hurley’s prior post concerning the results of work to date throughout the park: dead or browning porcelainberry vines, multiflora rose thickets, Oriental Bittersweet, and 15’ Japanese Honeysuckle bushes cut off at the base and treated, as well as Norway Maple, Mimosa and Japanese Pagoda trees cut andlying on the ground. Some 25 species of invasives were targeted for work over a five week period this summer. Better yet, join us on Saturday and see it first hand.

This event is sponsored by the Arlington Regional Master Naturalists. The work party will be followed by a walk led by Jim Hurley and others to admire the results of our collective work, view mature invasive trees such as Golden Raintree and Japanese Sophora, and identify as many plants as we can.

We will meet at the picnic pavilion in Barcroft Park at 9:30 am. If you park in the Barcroft recreational area parking lot, walk past the soccer fields toward the stream and away from Four Mile Run Dr., cross the stream on the wood and steel bridge and look for the picnic pavilion on your right.  Wear long pants and long sleeves. Bring gloves, clippers and a handsaw if you have them.

This project needs you!  Every pair of hands makes a difference for this valuable ecological site. Enjoy the satisfaction of clearing invasive plants to encourage growth of native plants which provide habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Come back to Barcroft and see a park on its way to natural health. If you have worked with us in the past, come see the results of your hard work and the county investment. If you are new to Barcroft, join us to see the park that has been designated the top priority natural aea for Arlington due to its unique habitat. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Reposted from the Anacostia Watershed Society:


Anacostia Watershed Society and a team of local, state, and federal organizations, and agencies have conducted a study of fishing on the Anacostia River to find out
angling report cover
  • The extent of consumption and sharing of fish from the river
  • Awareness and attitudes among anglers about the potential risks to their health
  • The most effective strategies for lessening the consumption of contaminated fish
A report on the study, Addressing the Risk, is released to the public on November 8, 2012. The study found that at least 17,000 people are eating fish from the Anacostia River each year, particularly via sharing of the fish with anglers' families and neighbors. While fish can be a very nutritious food, people consuming Anacostia River fish are potentially exposed to contaminants that can cause significant long-term health impacts. The study also found that existing fish consumption advisories are not adequately penetrating at-risk populations.
Download the report and launch press release here:
The report is only the beginning of this project. Anacostia Watershed Society's goal -- and the goal of many project partners -- is to return the Anacostia River to a fishable and swimmable state by 2032 -- so that anyone can enjoy time on the river fishing, and safely eat their catch. Following the launch of the report, AWS will convene a community meeting to discuss the next steps. Updates to this outreach and restoration effort will be posted at this site.
For more information about where to go on the river now to fish (and practice catch and release), please visit our recreational fishing page.

Media Coverage

  • Reel Talk (Washington City Paper, 11/8/12)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tonight's Agenda

I'm sorry I didn't communicate over the weekend, because I knew I would be working in the field all day today.  I just got to my office in Clarendon, and I'll probably get to Falls Church around 6:15pm.

Tonight we'll be discussing Teaching and Learning Strategies, and we'll provide lots of time for sharing presentations of all the work you folks have been submitting.  Many asked for troubleshooting and review time also.

Some of you folks asked for examples from last year.  Promise me you won't be overly influenced by any, and then feel free to peek!